Pineapple Farm B

OPTION B is only a variant of OPTION A

You can view Option A here

Option B is option A reduced into 5 places to allow investors who cannot or do not want to do the volume investment in option A to be able to partake of the opportunity.

Hence Option B = Option A ÷ 5

Therefore Option B  investment amount = 504,000 ÷ 5 = 100,800

And hence, 50% ROI = 252,000 ÷ 5 = 50,400

Payout to OPTION B investor will be as follows:

1st payment (After 18 months) 50,400
2nd payment (Next 12 months) 50,400
3rd payment (Next 12 months) 50,400
Add invt cap. Less lease cost, less 5% admin charges 61,286
Total 212,486

  • Renewals will be subject to availability
  • Limited offer available